Let’s switch gears, shall we?


Shake loose the noise…

Break the patterns… 

 In Moments… 

Not Years!


Blank screens and unanswered emails are no longer an issue when you are 100% on the things that need to be done. 
Avoiding people and decisions you have to make is no longer a thing stopping you from resolving your situation. 
And coming together with people you love, after longstanding disputes, is easier than you imagine it can be. 
I see things that you have the potential to see, but can’t right now. 
Often our negative emotions, our fears, our doubts rear their ugly heads and make decision-making harder than it should be. 

That avoidance of making a decision can look like:

Repeating the patterns of breaking your word to yourself

Putting off calls that need to be made

Swimming in to-do’s that aren’t as deep as they feel

Allowing others to make us feel less-than

Forgetting that we are as powerful as we are 

Playing the victim when we are in 100% control

And more…

These behaviors are often just our minds making us think that we don’t have access to real answers. 

But we do. 

That’s where I come in.

I help you see the answers that are currently “blocked” from you (they’re not, but you feel like they are) so you can make empowered and powerful, conscious decisions that shift your life onto the path that you crave. 
One that is FULL of heart-melting connections that fill you on a soul level. In every aspect, from your career or business to yourself! & everyone in between.

…a tiny investment for the sheer impact this call will make at only 222  per session.

 What you can expect from our INSIGHT brings INNER PEACE Clarity Call:

A warm, welcome, heartfelt, channeled conversation about where you are, who is involved, where your deepest blocks lie, access to the emotions and feelings of others involved, and…the steps you need to take to change the game 
Feeling immediately at ease and safe with me because it is my intention to make you feel seen & heard – ZERO judgments allowed (not even from you, about you!)
Possibly hearing my voice and even asking what would I say to this or that situation as more decisions arise later
The release of heavy emotional, mental, physical energies so that you feel light and fast in your movements…and obviously in your life
A deep understanding of your situation from a broader perspective and having more compassion towards yourself and others which allows you to take more swift action in the future
Actionable steps that will help you begin shifting everything in your life from your career to your relationships
You do NOT need to spin your wheels anymore. 
You do NOT have to play the victim of your own mind anymore. 


As an energetic doula and truth-seer, I help you unlock the situations & events that you have not been able to see solutions for. And I help you get the energy moving in a powerful direction that breathes new life into your dreams.
 I have helped to solve crisis situations, rebalance physical, emotional and mental states, resolve acute and intergenerational traumas by translating to you what your higher consciousness is so desperately trying to say in its own way…
Let me expedite your path from mental clutter
to emotional clarity in one single session.
Prepare to finally let go of the drama-trauma-karma trap.