Find out what my clients think about their sessions and what was their experience of our work together:

    • It was almost a year ago when I first met Barbara and from the first moment onwards I felt a connection with her. 

      As the months went by my trust just kept on growing in her. I am impressed by her kindness, her good sense of humor, and her capacity to reframe: whatever difficult situation arises, she can find the good in it. 

      She puts herself in the life situation of others with great empathy and she is able to show how to take the best from everything even when it is the hardest. My problems are often tiny – but they seem huge until she leads me with a single, kind sentence or advice to the right direction. And it works! Always…

      I realised from time to time that in specific moments my first thought was what would she say, how would she act if she were me… Numerous times I had heard her saying out loud my own deepest thoughts, which I just couldn’t articulate in such a crystal clear way as she did. 

      For the first time in my life, I believe that someone is really able to see my thoughts, sense my feelings, and she is communicating them back to me at the same time, providing solutions, confirmation, and reassurance… I have never heard anyone expressing things so beautifully… No question if I would recommend her to others… I’ve already done it and it wasn’t the last time for sure…

      She is definitely the best coach I have ever met.

      Zsuzsanna É. – Hungary

  • I contacted Barbara a year ago. Looking back it was one of the best things that could have happened to me! 

    I was in a very difficult life situation then and saw no way out of that condition. Barbara’s whole being is positive, already her voice had a calming effect on me. She has a fantastic ability to be able to feel my problems and tell my unspoken thoughts. 

    She looks at the whole person objectively, from the outside, approaching me with full acceptance. Her pure unconditional love, her positive energy fills me up every time. 

    We talk often, and many times I get answers, guidance, help for my unanswered questions. She is a great gift in my life. I wish there were many more of such selfless people for whom the happiness of the other person is important. 

    I wholeheartedly recommend Barbara to anyone who needs help because their life is stuck for whatever reason! With her help you will find THE BEST solution to your problem!

    Tünde N. – Hungary

  • Hoe fijn is het als je weet dat je bij iemand terecht kan als het binnenin even onweert. 

    Bij iemand met een grote wijsheid, een sterke intuïtie en een warme persoonlijkheid. Barbara is zo iemand. Met haar warme stem en liefdevolle aanwezigheid creëert ze in no time de rust die je op dat moment nodig hebt. 

    Vanuit haar hart en intuïtie geeft ze nieuwe inzichten, die je aan het denken zetten en klaarheid scheppen. 

    Haar concrete oefeningen geven je de tools om zelf de harmonie in body en mind te herstellen, om te leren omgaan met je gedachten en gevoelens en te leren loslaten. Om zo je focus te bepalen. Om terug balans te vinden. Om dichter bij je zelf te komen. En van daaruit nieuwe stappen te kunnen zetten. 

    Ongelooflijk merci Barbara. Higly recommended!

    English translation: 
    How nice it is to know you can always rely on someone when there is a storm raging inside you. 
    Someone with great wisdom, strong intuition and warm personality. Barbara is someone like that. 

    With her warm voice and loving presence she creates the peace and the quiet you need in no time. 
    She will give you new insights which will make you think and will give you clarity. 

    Her concrete exercises provide you with the tools to re-establish harmony in body and soul, to learn how to deal with your thoughts and feelings, and on how to let go. To find your focus, to find your balance. To get closer to your core self. To be able to make new steps. 

    A big thank you Barbara. Highly recommended!

    Liesbeth M. - België
  • I met Barbara 1,5 years ago and I experienced her as one of the most powerful intuitive business coaches that I know. 

    She feels into your story and your answers to her questions and she touches and clarifies every single thing that is not aligned with your true purpose. One coaching with her made me realize that my business plans relied too much on old patterns and ego structures and she inspired me to stay true to a journey of soulful entrepreneurship. 

    I highly recommend working with her!

    Les V. - België
  • Barbara helped me with a personal problem in a way that is completely different from other professionals I went to. 

    She felt and understood the problem and could outline a framework so that I could accept and understand my situation. 

    Her voice and words come from her heart and not of the thinking head and there is the huge difference. Barbara is very empathic and goes to the core of the problem in such a way that I immediately felt a huge relief and acceptance. 

    My body felt so much lighter afterwards. The day after I already experienced a change. 

    I truly recommend Barbara. She can very quickly point out the problem and suggests solutions and advices.

    Maxime C. - België
  • Anyone who is in need of a positive turn of events, reach out to Barbara! 

    For decades I was suffering because I could not accept a situation regarding my family no matter how hard I tried. 

    The healing conversations with Barbara were truly special, and I became in a very good mood every time. I think she is an awesome Mentor! 

    Already her voice helped me to relax, to calm down, she is full of positive energy and love. Her approach, her methods helped me immensely to become more accepting and loving. 

    My life turned in a positive direction, thanks to the work we did with Barbara.

    Erika K. - Germany

  • Met ons vriendengroepje zaten we in een restaurant in Damme. 

    Als ‘per toeval’ beslisten we om van plaatsen te wisselen. Toeval bestaat niet, zeg je? Er komt meer! 

    Ik zat in een rotperiode, alsook Sylvie. Blijkbaar maakten we hetzelfde mee, alleen durfde ik er niet over spreken. Sylvie gelukkig wel. En wat daar, in het restaurant, op het moment dat Sylvie openhartig sprak over wat haar bezighield – en ook mij - gebeurde iets wonderbaarlijks. 

    Barbara kreeg een boodschap door, van God, het Universum, haar Hogere Zelf, noem die gave hoe je het wilt. 

    Op haar altijd zachte en warme manier sprak ze Sylvie toe. Ze gaf haar raad, sprak affirmaties uit die Sylvie zou helpen, ze nam Sylvie's hand in de hare. Ik keek verwonderlijk toe. 

    ‘Dit gaat ook over mij,’ stamelde ik met ogen vol verwondering. Barbara sprak nu tot ons beiden en ze keek recht in mijn ziel. Ze sprak woorden, gaf beelden door, ze gaf een gevoel door… Onbeschrijfelijk. 

    Op de terugweg naar huis dacht ik aan waar ik net getuige van was geweest. Het laat me niet meer los. 

    Ik voelde een warme gloed van vertrouwen door me heen stromen en dit werkte blokkades weg die net een deel van mijn probleem waren. 

    Ik weet zeker dat Barbara die avond Sylvie heeft geholpen, maar ik weet 100% zeker dat Barbara die avond ook mij en mijn geliefden heeft geholpen. 

    Barbara is een buitengewoon lieve vrouw met een uitzonderlijk talent.

    English translation 

    We sat in a restaurant in Damme with our group of friends. 

    As 'by chance' we decided to switch places. Coincidence doesn't exist, you say? More on this later! 

    I was in a bad period, as was Sylvie. Apparently we went through the same thing, only I didn't dare to talk about it. Luckily Sylvie did. And there, in the restaurant, just as Sylvie spoke candidly about what was on her mind – and on my too – something wonderful happened. 

    Barbara received a message from God, the Universe, her Higher Self, call that gift whatever you want. 

    She spoke to Sylvie in her always soft and warm way. She gave her advice, affirmations and took Sylvie's hand in hers. I watched it in amazement. 

    “This is about me too,” I stammered, my eyes filled with wonder. Barbara spoke to both of us now and she looked straight into my soul. She spoke words, passed on images, she passed on a feeling… Indescribable. 

    On the way home I kept on thinking of what I had just witnessed. It wouldn't let me go. 

    I felt a warm glow of confidence flow through me and this cleared away blocks from my problem. I'm convinced Barbara helped Sylvie that night, but I'm 100% sure Barbara helped me and my loved ones that night too.

    Barbara is an extremely sweet woman with an exceptional talent.

    Mieke D. - België

  • Connection is the word that combines with Bárbara. 

    She was not only able to give accurate business advice but also to connect and understand my business idea & its opportunities right away. I was absolutely amazed by the way she was able to grasp the meaning and aim of Frasquitos de Arte©, from the very beginning. 

    I felt in very good hands with her, opened myself honestly, and could share and solve more worries than I thought I had. 

    Bárbara helped me to see new aspects and possibilities relating to my business. 

    What I like the most in working with her is that her sensitivity and empathy make her understand my situation instantly while her down-to-earth, practical advice and solutions always give me clarity on my next best steps. 

    This is something you can achieve only through serious training and education, wide business experience, and above all, high awareness and deep true alignment. 

    I absolutely recommend working with Bárbara.

    Carolina S.T. - Argentina

  • I met Barbara through an ex-colleague. It was at the right time, right if it was meant to be. 

    I was very nervous when we first connected, not knowing what to expect but Barbara immediately made me feel at ease. 

    Because she is so empathic she immediately could relate to my story, both on a personal and professional level. I felt relieved that someone 'understood' me. 

    I felt more energetic and experienced a higher self esteem, I felt less alone. 

    I will continue my energetic journey with Barbara and I look forward to what is still ahead of me. I feel confident to find the right balance and move forward to a happy and self fulfilling way of living and working.

    Stephanie V. - Belgium

  • In de clarity sessie met Barbara kreeg ik heel waardevolle tips om mee aan de slag te gaan. Ze kijkt naar je aanpak door de ogen van je ideale klant en benoemt hetgeen waar je zelf niet (meer) bewust van bent. Tegelijk heeft ze oog voor je eigen emoties. Een welgemeende dankjewel aan Barbara.

    English translation:

    In the clarity session with Barbara, I received very valuable tips to work with. She looks at your approach through the eyes of your ideal customer and identifies what you are not (or not any longer) aware of. At the same time, she has an eye for your driving emotions. A heartfelt thank you to Barbara.:
    In the clarity session with Barbara, I received very valuable tips to work with. She looks at your approach through the eyes of your ideal customer and identifies what you are not (or no longer) aware of. At the same time, she has an eye for your underlying emotions. A heartfelt thank you to Barbara.

    Viviane A. - Belgium

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